This blog post would be written in bilingual, Cantonese and Konglish. 有粗口架~
Peter 仔除左係一個人名之外,佢都可以係動詞,可以加 ing 同 ed XDXDXDXD,後面加 out 成為一粒 phrasal verb,意思係指慢慢慢慢咁冇晒電,又或者係 chur晒咁解。
That long run petered me out. 跑完個長跑我冇力喇。
除左動詞之外,Peter 可以跟其他野一齊組成一D幾得意既 phrases,好似 for Pete's sake,可以用黎代替 for god's sake / for Christ's sake 令到件事無咁offensive。即係我地會講「頂!」黎代替個「屌!」冇計啦,鬼叫 Peter係穌哥既門徒之一,借黎頂一頂方便講野嘛。學 Donald Trump 話齋 "I think the big problem this country has is politically correct."好多時我地用語除左要精準,仲要政治正確。不過香港比較灰機既係,D高智慧政治正確撚太多 soundbite,多到花生都食唔切.....都唔知好嬲定好笑。
另外仲有個 phrase : rob Peter to pay Paul,表面意思係搶 Peter 錢去還畀阿 paul (我up緊乜?) 即係做一D 於事無補蹝氣既野囉.....
Peter can be treated as a name and also a verb, ing and ed can be added XDXDXD The phrasal verb peter out means gradually become no battery or chur dry jor.
For example:
That long run petered me out. The long run made me no energy la.
Other than verbs, Peter can use with some other words to make things ho duck yee. Like for Pete's sake, can be replace for god's sake or for Christ's sake to make things less offensive. Actually it is the same as we use Ding to replace Diu in Cantonese. Ghost told Peter need to protect his mentor So Gor mei..... easier to talk when people workship So Gor ma...... Learn from Donald Trump's words " I think the big problem this country has is politically correct." Actually, many times we need to use exact wordings and also need to concern about politically correct. But Hong Kong now is very grey, those highly intelligent has too many soundbites, the peanuts are too fast to eat. I dont know if I should angry or laugh.
Ah~ Another phrase: rob Peter to pay Paul, the surface meaning is rob Peter's money to pay Paul ( What 7 I saying??) Actually it means doing something waste9gas law diu.....