又到了season finale,平常要等到星期二才update,但season finale 效率快了!星期一晚就可以看到!太好了!
(圖片來源: Google)
其實我知次次睇Alan Ball D 劇都係沉重到爆炸,雖然True Blood 係加左sex and lust 但都係好沉重。因為剛剛看完,組織不了思想,還是......用point form 。哈哈
1) 人,的確係到最後都只會孤獨。而一個害怕孤獨既人又同時係最有power 搞大龍鳳既人。
2) 好多人死,唔想佢死既人又有,一直好煩想佢死既都有。好煩果個...死得....估佢唔到,竟然係救人所以死左。
3) 了解自己,絕對係mission impossible 之一。
4) 見到阿Pam 狂鬧 Sookie 既時候,我真係覺得佢鬧得好到point,雖然,Sookie 個樣順眼左,但係我都係好憎佢,因為佢除左gifted 既 advantage.....基本上佢係冇腦。但,點解.......果兩個男人...........唉。
5) 痴線,反vampires 既人變左vampire ,想點?!
6)原來做問米有好處,就係已死既愛人都可以always be with him。
7) 繼續講Pam,希望佢唔好好似Lorena 咁....畀個男人嫌煩做瓜啦....但佢同Eric 既父女、戀人、朋友、同伴.......既關係,我估Eric 唔會做瓜佢卦。

9) 依然、仍然、繼續多血。
10) Being alone, it ain't nothing to be afraid of. We're all alone at the end.
11) Excuse me. We're feeling a little crispy up here. XD
12) I've been with Eric over a hundred years. I've watched him suduce supermodels and princesses and spit out their bones whe he is finished. How can someone named Sookie take him away from me?
13) Hungry puppy dogs, slobbering the same juicy bone.
不過唔緊要,gossip girl 26號又開新一季lu~
不過唔緊要,gossip girl 26號又開新一季lu~
申延閱讀:http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv-and-radio/2011/sep/11/alexander-skarsgard-interview-vampire (不過都係Brett Anderson 果個訪問好睇D~)
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