小幽小默, 齮齮齕齕!

2011年8月16日 星期二

We are the PIGS

凌晨2:15 Posted by 嘈 , No comments
雖然,我唔識 Econ 野,但我都知呢排個市凍過水。


PIGS 是歐債危機入面最suffer 既國家 (PortugalItalyGreece, and Spain),佢地畀人既印象都係國民好識得享受生活。可能,就係因為咁...揈晒國庫既錢。

其實仲有新既講法....PIIGS, PIIGGS 都有....多左既I...係Ireland, 另一個G 係親愛既 Great Britain。
希望佢快D好返,唔好再只係靠炒啦....唉。其實,暴動乃非一日之寒。之前住英國既時候,已經D 通脹勁到爆,周街有飲大左既人。(果時英鎊都好高水添 =__=) 後生又加學費、冇書讀又冇野做..... 可以點呢? (根本....香港都係咁,只係人地有老本,碗飯香D ...)

圖片來源:the Guardian


Well the church bells are calling
Police cars on fire
And as they call you to the eye of the storm
All the people say "Stay at home tonight"

I say we are the pigs, we are the swine
We are the stars of the firing line

And as the smack cracks at your window
You wake up with a gun in your mouth
Oh let the nuclear wind blow away my sins
And I'll stay at home in my house

I say, we are the pigs
we are the swine
we are the stars of the firing line

But deceit can't save you so

We ALL watch them burn

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